Monday, October 18, 2010

Through the Garden Gate - Peter Macqueen

This garden is the visionary insights of Peter Macqueen and his surrounding environment.  Peter understands the interconnected presence of man and nature, where one has true respect for the integration of the other's needs and accepts them for who and what they are, even if the unseen party in this relationship is nature. 

The interview with Peter is in real time, reality TV for me is seeing the bumps and hick ups of life and in this segment you see me stumble over a few words.  Dyslexia is what makes me, me.


  1. That naturalistic trend - just pull out what needs it - is a garden concept I see here in New Mexico, particularly north of here. Except there is little interest in using the array of the native plants further north.

    Your area looks so green, though I was surprised to see jackets on; I heard Brisbane was almost tropical, as is Miami Florida?

  2. Yes we have had very unusual weather here in Queensland lately. This garden is about 2 hours from Brisbane and that particular day was cold and rainy. The naturalistic trend and the concept of 'Why We Garden' a book written by Jim Nollman have allowed Peter Macqueen to push the boundaries of what constitutes a garden. When we move away from conventional trends our gardens can become very exciting.

  3. Hi Donna,

    I hope you're having an awesome week! I thought you might like this infographic I helped build about the health, mental, and financial benefits of gardening (

    If you think your readers would like it too, please feel free to use it on the Donna Sweedman blog. There's code at the bottom of our post that makes it super easy to post on your blog. It's all free (of course). If you have any questions about posting it, let me know and I'll try to help.

    I don't know where else to contact you so I just posted a comment here. :)


    ~ Janey
